Sunday, November 6, 2011

Analysing the Use of Mobile Phones as an Educational Tool....

As a part of our ELearning course, as a group, we were required to use DeBono’s 6 thinking hats to analyse and consider whether mobile phones should be used as an educational tool in the classroom.

Using DeBono’s "Six Thinking Hats" is a powerful technique that helps you separate, and individually look at each important perspective when making a decision. It helps you make better decisions by pushing you to move outside your habitual ways of thinking. As such, it helps you understand the full complexity of a decision, and spot issues and opportunities which you might otherwise not notice (De Bono 1985).

The black hat was used as a part of my contribution to the wiki group because even though there are many useful ways to use a mobile phone in the classroom, health issues must still hold a high stake in considering our children’s future.

It would be good to hear from other perspectives on here, so feel free to add your comment.
Thanks in advance

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree - It can't be a good thing that kids develop surrounded by radio waves coming from radio towers, mobile phones and wifi.
    Definitely can't be a good thing keeping your phone in your front trouser pocket every day of your life! Although that might help keep the global population levels down a bit..
