Thursday, November 24, 2011

Experimenting With The Thought of Using Digital Tools for Educational Purposes

Multimedia surrounds us. For example, using words like ‘facebook’ or ‘youtube’  in conversation is recognised by all. It would be safe to say that most emerging digital immigrants would recognise this language too. Therefore, it is important for educators to become familiar with locating, using, and creating  a variety of image, audio and video resources to develop the digital learners’ media literacy skills. These contemporary learning designs for digital learners will result in; a sense of ownership in learning as it is engaging and preferred, and they can see concrete evidence of their efforts which is being shared and displayed for all other relevant parties.
I will include a broad range of posts following this one where, I have explored with a variety of online digital tools and/ or PC software to gain a better understanding of how they work (for my own competence in the classroom) and how they can be adapted for educational purposes. In theses cases, I am comparing these tools and the context of applying them to wiki’s, blog’s and web site’s etc, as the learning process. With this in mind, uploading student and teacher work onto the web is an exception under the Copyright Act for educational purposes, however, I personally like to do my best attempt in acknowledging resources primary location as common courtesy.
The following table provides a clear explanation of how these tools can be adapted for educational purposes. Overall, incorporating these tools in the classroom provides an extremely high potential for innovation and exploration.  
Table drawn from Schwartz & Hartman (n.d). It is not television anymore: Designing digital video for learning and assessment. Stanford University.


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